I want to be clear about what I am emailing about. Black Lives Matter. To me it is soul-wrenching that the main statement is “to matter”. To matter is a birthright. A human right. I have wondered “how do we transition so oneself, communities, and systems can live this truth?”

Alicia, an exceptional leader in Yess’ community and teaches at 6 pm on Friday’s, said it so beautifully “it will take a reframing/re-creating the mindset. Not just a shift, but a fundamental change in how we process, consider, and contemplate things”.  Her words are held close to my heart daily. Yes, we have the ability to evolve as we continue to challenge what we have been programmed to believe.  But what I heard from Alicia’s statement, is it will take an embodiment of your beliefs to make them a fact. 

How do we embody anything? How do we believe it on a soul level? Below are some ideas and questions that I have been meditating on.

Each of us will take a different path. We are going to understand literature, podcasts, and spoken word differently. Our conversations must include what we read, heard, and believe. This is a huge aspect. What did YOU feel? What did you take away from soaking up that information/energy? What interested you? What was uncomfortable? Where is there growth? What is true for you? By adding your voice, the world gets to have a more dynamic and communal representation. Remember, there is only one you. You can not be copied!

Make your sustainable actions personal. I love the visual and description of all the ways you can show up for yourself and community (i.e. healer, weaver, teacher, artist, etc). Take time to connect with our soul’s work. Of course you can try other models but put your consistent energy in places that fill you with joy, with love, because this will be what you bring to the new world. An embodied, grounded, wise, & connected Being. 

Remember there will be non-preferable moments too. Note when there is agitation or straight up anger/fear. This too is a sign. This too can be addressed. When emotions come up, what does your body feel like; do you feel warmth on your face, cold hands and feet, do you get tired, or get a surge of energy? What happens when multiple emotions and/or physical sensations come up? As often as possible relate back to your body. What is it telling you? Be especially mindful of your nervous system right now. Slow intentional movements like restorative, yin, or our new Tantra & Meditation can be incredibly rewarding. I hope you can continue to stay connected to your individual body and experiences. This is going to be key to sustain this conscious future. 

Walk on your path. Be an active participant on your journey. Especially if you can do it in the present moment! Your embodied practice may appear unique from your friends, family, and community. This is great! We need everyone to stand in their power, with their heart. 

It has been an honor to connect with a lot of you during classes, via emails, social media, or even phone calls. My most sincere connection is one on one or small groups and it is humbling to have an intimate connection with you, now more than ever. Thank you for your time, thoughts, and feelings. I am honored to know you and grateful for this lifetime of getting to know each other’s hearts more. You are my community. My friends. My family.

With deep love and respect