We are so excited to have Growth be our next new moon’s theme. Here is a note from Elisabeth (a Gemini herself) as we start this next cycle. Enjoy!

With all the rain we have been having these past few weeks and the explosion of green happening outside it makes sense to write about growth. Sometimes growth seems to appear overnight in the springtime, other times it is a long gradual slog, marked by penciled in height lines on the doorframe of my kitchen.  

This spring I celebrated 10 years of teaching yoga & I am in absolute awe that folx keep showing up to practice with me.  When I embarked on my Curvy Yoga Teacher Training with Anna Guest Jelley in 2013 my goal was to learn more to aid in my own personal practice. Now teaching yoga is my whole life, no exaggeration. When I reflect back on the years, the classes (upwards of 7,500 sessions) the students (42,329! yes, I keep track), the thing I keep coming back to is growth…..I have learned so much; how to guide, how to listen, how to share space, when to say no, but mostly that I have more to learn (to paraphrase Maya Angelou).  

Thanks to Lucia & Yess Yoga I have been given the opportunity to share my knowledge about inclusive spaces within the Yess Yoga teacher training, and this fall I will bring that training to Svalja in Duluth as well.  I’m excited to see where this all leads in the next 10 years!  But one thing I know to be true, it’s a gift to share this practice with y’all!


Congratulations Elisabeth on ten years of teaching yoga! We are in awe of your wisdom, joy, and sense of justice. Come celebrate Elisabeth’s teaching marker (and her birthday) this month! She teaches Monday at 12 pm, Tuesday at 4:30 pm, Thursday at 6:30 pm, and Friday at 12 pm.

We are so grateful that Elisabeth and so many other teachers lead inviting trauma informed classes at Yess Yoga! If you have ever been interested in teacher training, Yess Yoga hosts one each year starting in the fall. Feel free to click below for basic details (dates and modules). For more information email [email protected].

Who knows, you may be writing a letter someday about how curiosity brought you to a full time teaching job 10 years later!