Off the mat winter practice

Off the mat winter practice

By: Mariah Laqua Another Minnesota winter’s arrival welcomes in temperatures dipping below freezing, oversized jackets, scarves and hats. Whether walking, cycling, waiting for the bus or going from car to building, the cold easily and hastily affects both the third...
What is ritual?

What is ritual?

By: Brianna Darling   Short answer: whatever you want it to be. But here’s more on that: defines ritual as “an established or prescribed procedure for a religious or other rite.” Similarly, ceremony is defined as “a formal religious or...
Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga

The Ashtanga Yoga practice is a physically vigorous form of yoga which includes synchronization of the breath and movement within a set sequence of postures.  The focus on the breath allows the practitioner to let go of distracting thoughts, or “control the...

Slow Flow

Sometimes it feels great to move, sweat and breathe, but a mellower vibe is in order. This vinyasa class takes things down a notch, bringing attention to transitions and creating space for final relaxation. Movements in this class will generally reduce the amount of...
Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga

I take a unique approach to vinyasa teaching, with the goal to expand a student’s view on what a vinyasa practice might look like. I was taught that vinyasa was defined as “to move in a special way”, I try to take that definition to heart each time I bring a group of...