by Lucia Yess | Jan 20, 2016 | Healthy Living
By Lucia Yess After embracing our women’s winter workshop, Tara, a woman who lived in Denmark mentioned that the studio was “Hygge”. Tara must have read on my face, “Umm is that a thing that I want”, because she quickly explained...
by Lucia Yess | Jan 18, 2016 | Yoga Theory
By Adam Ruggiero The following blogs are about the main chakra system in your body. There will be yin poses designed to target and open the body’s chakra centers. Chakra is a term that has become increasingly mainstream and (dare we say it?) hip, but what is it...
by Lucia Yess | Jan 17, 2016 | News
By Adam Ruggiero The Root chakra is where the movement of prana through our bodies begins here and along with the second the third chakras it is more physical in nature. As the foundation of our chakra system, it is associated with basic, fundamental needs:...
by Lucia Yess | Jan 15, 2016 | Body Therapy
By Adam Ruggiero The svadhisthana, sacral chakra, sometimes referred to as the spleen chakra because of its location just below the navel, this chakra center taps into the energies of our creativity. These energies encompass physical creativity, the powers of...
by Lucia Yess | Jan 14, 2016 | Body Therapy
By Adam Ruggiero The solar plexus, home of the third chakra center, manipura. Here lay our personal power center, our wellspring of energy and capability. From this chakra we derive much of our confidence and sense of personal ability. When energy flows freely...