by Lucia Yess | Nov 11, 2019 | Healthy Living, Mindfulness, News
Backstory for those new to this community: It’s been four months since Elliott (our one year old) received his liver transplant. We have been at the hospital at least twice a week and sometimes up to four times a week doing labs, check-ups, and ultrasounds....
by Lucia Yess | Oct 29, 2019 | Mindfulness, Yoga Type
Vinyasa Vinyasa is defined as “to move in a special way”, we try to take that definition to heart each time and bring a group of students together by moving through unique sequences. A vinyasa class can be big flowing movement on each breath or slower movements to...
by Lucia Yess | Oct 17, 2019 | Healthy Living, Mindfulness, News
Ten years ago, I finished my teacher training abroad. I was teaching in South Korea and the local studio that I practiced at, was leading a yoga training. I thought to myself, why not and jumped right in. Prior to training, I never thought I wanted to teach full-time....
by Lucia Yess | Aug 24, 2019 | Healthy Living, Mindfulness, Yoga Theory
I was getting a massage the other day and realized that I rarely touch Elliott’s full abdomen scar because I am afraid of it. My heart hurt. I know the importance of holding him physically and emotionally in this way.For those who don’t know, our one year...
by Lucia Yess | Jul 18, 2019 | Yoga Type
Your love and support over the last three weeks has been phenomenal. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! Elliott’s story is so incredible and I am elated to share it with you.Twenty seven hours after emailing the Yess Yoga community (you), we received the call of...