Our Blog
You Belong at Yess Yoga-March’s theme
It is increasingly clear that having a third place where you feel welcomed, included, and seen is so important. As living beings, we want to feel safe and appreciated. We want to feel like we belong. So for this new moon we are going to focus on the feeling of...
Compassion brings us together
The last month has been incredibly impactful at Yess. We have found time together to be both grounding and uplifting. We invite you to the studio to participate in something that is desperately needed at this time, being together in a compassionate way. It is clear...
Compassion- January’s Theme
Compassion is powerful First, I want to start this new year with saying how humbled I am to be in this community alongside you. It is vital, now more than ever, that we come together and stay grounded. We promise to lead from a yogic perspective, to collectively...
Set the resolution in spring, not in winter
Yoga is about conscious growth through connection with self and others. There is nothing intrinsically wrong or bad about desiring to change. In fact one universal truth is that change is bound to happen. Resolutions show that there is a desire for conscious change....
Stay engaged-December’s Theme
When you feel a sense of self amongst others, there is a fullness. This sense of being whole is center to Yess. From this state of connection, humans are capable of being engaged in thoughtful and sustainable ways. We look forward to taking care of each other so that...
Ground yourself
When you think you are your own separate, independent, self-made tree and not the forest, you care less when other trees are burning. This is a fatal problem of mistaken identity, colonized forgetting, and conditioned belief in your insulation from harm. You are...