End of the Year Ritual

End of the Year Ritual

By: Lucia Yess First, happy solstice! May we enjoy the darkest night with each other and our inner light. Wow, there were plenty of moments to celebrate this year but also places of shadow that came up too. YES! I love this time of year. It is the time to reflect. To...
Off the mat winter practice

Off the mat winter practice

By: Mariah Laqua Another Minnesota winter’s arrival welcomes in temperatures dipping below freezing, oversized jackets, scarves and hats. Whether walking, cycling, waiting for the bus or going from car to building, the cold easily and hastily affects both the third...
What is ritual?

What is ritual?

By: Brianna Darling   Short answer: whatever you want it to be. But here’s more on that:   Dictionary.com defines ritual as “an established or prescribed procedure for a religious or other rite.” Similarly, ceremony is defined as “a formal religious or...
Fly this Spring in Eagle Pose

Fly this Spring in Eagle Pose

By Lucia Yess   If you have lived in Minnesota a short time or your entire life you know that Spring is a beautiful change. It means plants, outside activities, patios, and cabin visits. Finally, spring has decided to show it’s face. So what can we do to...
Rise and Shine

Rise and Shine

By Adam Ruggiero . But waking up to hit the ground running, literally, does not require an inborn iron will or a love of agony; in fact it’s a self-sustaining regimen that quickly becomes as natural as falling asleep (which, appropriately, will actually improve if you...