Niyama: Santosha संतोष

Niyama: Santosha संतोष

By Lucia Yess   The second niyama (self-discipline) is santosha, संतोष. Santosha is contentment. Contentment makes me think of abundance, joy, truth, simplicity.  It doesn’t include happiness however. I think true happiness comes from contentment which...
Yama and Niyama

Yama and Niyama

Yamas, and its complement, Niyamas, represent a series of “right living” or ethical rules within Yoga. These are a form of moral imperatives, commandments, rules of living. The five Yamas of Patañjali’s classical yoga system are committments that...
Yoga for Athletic Purposes

Yoga for Athletic Purposes

By Lucia Yess   There are many people who intend to use yoga for athletic purposes. This is not entirely wrong. So let’s talk about the athletic benefits that yoga has meanwhile touching on the undeniable results of mindfulness. Our nation needs to move and...