My vision for this year is to honor cycles. Cycles that we all go through to help support our bodies (emotional, energetic, mental, and physical), build connections, and honor the paths we collectively go through.

The ritual of nature has always spoken to me, so the cycle I will expire this year is one around the new moon. Each new moon, we will explore a different theme, which you can find in our Instagram posts, in emails, and during classes via the themes.

We will begin this moon cycle with Self Worth. The new year oftentimes starts with adding more to your list; be different or to change some aspect of you. ENOUGH! What if we begin focusing on our worth, beyond what we produce, what role we play for others, and how much we can prove we know. What if we focus on us being? Just being.

On Self Worth
by Nikita Gill

You are more than 
what you can do for other people.
More than your productivity.
More than the joy you give others.
More than how many pieces you give away. 
before it feels like you lost yourself.
You are more than the bruises of your past,
but, most of all, you are more
than what you tell yourself every night,
alone in the dark,
wishing and pleading with a universe 
that you do not think can hear you
to be prettier, stronger, brighter, better.
The universe already thinks of you as a star. 
It knows you are already
it’s wildest dream come true.
Just like this. 
Just as you are.