Niyama: Santosha संतोष

Niyama: Santosha संतोष

By Lucia Yess   The second niyama (self-discipline) is santosha, संतोष. Santosha is contentment. Contentment makes me think of abundance, joy, truth, simplicity.  It doesn’t include happiness however. I think true happiness comes from contentment which...
Yama and Niyama

Yama and Niyama

Yamas, and its complement, Niyamas, represent a series of “right living” or ethical rules within Yoga. These are a form of moral imperatives, commandments, rules of living. The five Yamas of Patañjali’s classical yoga system are committments that...
Child’s Pose

Child’s Pose

By Lucia Yess   When I think about poses that I never want to get out of, child’s pose is the first that comes to mind. There is this sensation of total relaxation that I can’t get enough of. When else do you get to rest on yourself. Child’s...
Rise and Shine

Rise and Shine

By Adam Ruggiero . But waking up to hit the ground running, literally, does not require an inborn iron will or a love of agony; in fact it’s a self-sustaining regimen that quickly becomes as natural as falling asleep (which, appropriately, will actually improve if you...