Free Parking for Participants

Free Parking for Participants

Parking for members is now LIVE. We are now adding free parking for all participants during a Yess Yoga’s classes, workshop or training. We have spaces 1-5 and 9-12 on the other side of the chain link fence (by a green building). Folks will need to fill out that...


By Marnie Bounds   Kundalini Yoga is known as the yoga for householders, it is a path for everyone who wants the skills to cope successfully with the challenges of our times. This is a dynamic, powerful tool that is designed to give you an experience of your...
Fly this Spring in Eagle Pose

Fly this Spring in Eagle Pose

By Lucia Yess   If you have lived in Minnesota a short time or your entire life you know that Spring is a beautiful change. It means plants, outside activities, patios, and cabin visits. Finally, spring has decided to show it’s face. So what can we do to...
Back Pain

Back Pain

By David Melling I’ve been a resident doctor for over two years. Even though I am pretty new to this whole doctor thing, there is one topic that I am starting to become somewhat familiar with and that is acute low back pain. Since low back pain is so incredibly...