Ground yourself

Ground yourself

When you think you are your own separate, independent, self-made tree and not the forest, you care less when other trees are burning. This is a fatal problem of mistaken identity, colonized forgetting, and conditioned belief in your insulation from harm. You are...
Treasure- September’s Theme

Treasure- September’s Theme

What a stunning time of year to slow down and treasure the people, places, communities, cycles, memories, and traditions that you hold close to your bodies (koshas). I love this season: where there is a transition to routines and it’s still so vibrant and alive....
Dream- August’s Theme

Dream- August’s Theme

What a stunning summer full of sun and rain. I feel this deep in my personal life as well. The most bright aspects of life in full bloom along with some obvious grief. It has been an intense season for me, perhaps you too. It seems like when love and grief are...
Sharing brings us Joy

Sharing brings us Joy

We have enjoyed hearing what brings you joy this month! Thank you for opening your hearts so we can learn more about your life. One thing that brings us joy is sharing our space. Yess was built for community and to make a life together. Of course this means through...