It is increasingly clear that having a third place where you feel  welcomed, included, and seen is so important. As living beings, we want to feel safe and appreciated. We want to feel like we belong. So for this new moon we are going to focus on the feeling of belonging. 

  • What does it feel like for your body and mind when you know you belong?
  • What can you dream about when you feel grounded and authentic?
  • Where do you feel like you can be embodied?

Lately, I have spun around and around with the question “what can I do”. I know that each of us have a role to play. We have power. Where will we put it? Then it dawned on me. When I belong, I am grounded enough to act. It is in belonging that honest conversations are had. It is in the belonging that love is expressed. It is in the belonging that movements happen. This is where we have the greatest impact. 

To belong, means that you will go through the joyful and challenging parts of life with others. It is the future to feel like you belong, how will you invest in these reciprocal relationships? 

We hope you belong at Yess. That you can come no matter what is happening in your personal life or our collective one. Please know, you are welcome to join just as you are today.

So here’s a humble yet direct call-in. If you feel like you belong at Yess, your support would mean the world to us. We could use a little love right now. We have felt the effects of prolonged construction. As of today the parking is back open on 26th and both lanes are moving! 

Ways to support:

  • Use your class passes and memberships! We love to spend quality time with you.
  • Bring a friend. It would be a delight to build community alongside you.
  • Purchase a class pass or membership if you have been dropping-in or out of passes.
  • Come to a workshop or special offering. These tend to be more social and a great way to learn more about each other.
  • Support another person’s class/es. You can purchase a class to be donated to anyone who needs it. Donate today by heading to the “purchase” page or email us to set up a couple classes.

*Bonus anyone coming to Yess Yoga is welcome to park in our guest lot. See picture for reference by visiting our website and get more details.